About Me

I'm a Research Scientist in Quantum Computing at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

I investigate applications of Quantum Information science to High-Energy Physics, and I bring my scientific approach to Quantum Computing research.

I earned my PhD in Physics from Texas A&M University.

I worked in experimental High Energy Physics as a member of the CMS experiment at CERN.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

My research at ORNL is interdisciplinary, focusing on the intersection of quantum computing and particle physics. My work combines a scientific interest in extending knowledge of the fundamental blocks of the universe and how they interact with each other; as well as building analysis tools for high-energy physics experiments, including machine learning and quantum computing.

CMS Experiment at CERN

For five years, I was as a member of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) collaboration at CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research). I developed software for the calibration of jets and I was involved in the Jet Performance Studies for the Phase-II upgrade of the detector. My physics analysis focused on the search of a Z’ boson decaying into four b-tagged jets.

Texas A&M University

I earned my PhD from Texas A&M University, where I worked with Prof. Ricardo Eusebi. At Texas A&M, I was a GEM Fellow for two years and an NSF Graduate Student Research Fellow.

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